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The Ultimate Guide to Real Estate Videography

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If you’re a real estate agent or realtor in Canberra, real estate videography should be a crucial component in your marketing strategy. As a real estate agent, your goal is to sell properties. In order to do just that, it’s vital to not just paint a verbal picture of what the property looks like but also provide pictures and videos. These help showcase your listings in the best possible light to attract potential buyers. The images and video accompanying a listing can either make or break a sale.


Before we delve into all the different aspects of real estate videography and photography, it’s important to analyze how it will support you in helping those new home buyers.

Real Estate Videography Statistics – What Do the Numbers Say?

At the end of the day, real estate is a business; and businesses are all about numbers. While numbers and statistics may make you yawn, for the sake of your business, these statistics help you save time by showing you the proof of what works and what doesn’t. As they so often say: “The numbers don’t lie!”

So what do the numbers say when it comes to the impact of real estate videography on listings? Let’s take a look:

Increased Engagement:

According to a study by the National Association of Realtors, properties listed with a video received 403% more inquiries than those without a video. The more inquiries you get on a certain property, the higher the likelihood that you’ll be able to find the perfect buyer for that listing.

Increased Time on Listing:

Properties listed with a video received four times longer viewing times than those without a video. This suggests that videos can help keep potential buyers engaged and interested in a property for longer. The longer someone looks at your listing, the higher the chances are that they will purchase it.

Improved Listing Perception:

Numerous studies have been performed and have found that listings with videos were perceived as more valuable by potential buyers. This can lead to increased interest in the property and a higher asking price. If there’s anything a buyer loves, it’s multiple offers and being able to receive offers that are higher than the original asking price.

Increased Reach:

Properties listed with a video are 53 times more likely to appear on the first page of Google search results compared to those without a video. This increased reach can help attract more potential buyers to your listings. Combined with your own expertise and other marketing strategies, this can give you an edge over other realtors who aren’t using professional real estate videography in Canberra.

Better Understanding of the Property:

Videos provide a more immersive and comprehensive view of a property, which can help potential buyers get a better understanding of the property’s layout, size, and features. This can lead to increased interest in the property and a higher likelihood of making a sale. The better a potential buyer understands the property, the more likely they are to visualize where they can put their kid’s floatable pool or gym equipment.

Benefits of Using Professional Real Estate Videography in Canberra

Now that we’ve looked at the numbers, let’s look at some other reasons that explain why real estate videography can be such an incredible marketing strategy.

First Impressions Count

When it comes to selling a property, first impressions are everything! Potential buyers will often make a decision about a property based on the photos or video they see in an online listing. And when they do, you want the reaction to be “Wow!” not “Yikes!” If the video is blurry, the camera is moving too fast, or it simply doesn’t showcase the property’s best features, potential buyers may move on to the next listing without ever visiting the property in person.

Showcasing the Property’s Best Features

A professional real estate videographer in Canberra will know what each property’s best features are and how to showcase them. They will use lighting, angles, and editing techniques to create videos that highlight the property’s strengths. They will also know how to arrange furniture and decor to make rooms look more spacious and appealing. Does your listing have a gorgeous kitchen with an island or an open floor plan? These are things that can be emphasized through a stunning video.

Increased Credibility

When you invest in professional real estate videography, you are showing potential buyers that you are serious about selling the property. High-quality video conveys a level of professionalism and credibility that is difficult to achieve with amateur video or isn’t comparable to those who don’t offer video at all. This can lead to increased interest in your listings, which can translate into more showings and, ultimately, more sales.

Better Online Presentation

In today’s digital age, many potential buyers will view your listings online before they visit a property in person. Professional real estate videography will ensure that your listings look their best online, with clear, well-lit videos that accurately represent the property. This can help attract more potential buyers to your listings and increase the chances of making a sale.

Setting Your Listings Apart

In a crowded real estate market, it’s essential to set your listings apart. Professional real estate videography can help you do just that. With high-quality video, you can differentiate your listings from those of your competitors and stand out in the minds of potential buyers. Realtors aren’t shy to include many pictures, but a video helps showcase what pictures may not. It may pick up on a charm that pictures simply can’t.

Attract the Right Client

The benefit of professional real estate videography is that you can target your ideal client through the style of videography. If your ideal client is a young family, you can showcase the house with a family acting in it. If your ideal client is someone who makes upwards of seven figures, then the interior decorating and high quality of the video can emphasize just that. It serves as a tool and resource to attract the right kind of client and filter out all of those who aren’t, which ultimately saves you a lot of time.

Creates an Emotional Connection

Emotion sells, and video can help you do exactly that. A video can help a potential buyer imagine how their life would fit into that home. They can imagine how they would enjoy spaghetti dinners with their family at the marble kitchen counter or how their dog may love running around in the lush green backyard. Photos may touch on that, but videos really do help with the visualizing process.

High-Quality Equipment

Professional real estate videographers use high-quality equipment to produce videos that are clear, well-lit, and true to life. They have professional-grade cameras and lighting equipment, as well as the expertise to use them effectively. This equipment and expertise ensure that your listings will look their best online.

Tips for Hiring a Professional Real Estate Videographer in Canberra

Maybe at this point in the blog post, you’ve decided to give hiring a professional real estate videographer a shot but want to know what to look out for. There are a few things to keep an eye on so you can feel comfortable with your videography choice.

Check Out Their Website

Each real estate videographer has a certain and unique kind of filming style. It’s important to check that out so you know if that’s compatible with what you’re looking for. Most real estate videographers will have some examples on their website or on their social media channels. If you can’t find it on their website, you should be able to find their social media channels linked to icons on the very bottom of their website or on the very top depending on the structure.

Look for Reviews

Of course, it’s always important to do your research and look for reviews. If someone has some bad reviews, that’s not necessarily a sign to immediately discount that videographer. Some clients may simply have had a unique negative experience, or they could have been unreasonable to begin with. Read the review and decide for yourself. The reviews may also highlight some strengths and what to expect from the process.

Give Them a Call

The final product isn’t the only thing that you should look out for when deciding on a real estate videographer. You also want to enjoy the process of working with them. Giving them a call to discuss your needs will help you determine if it’s a personality match. Ultimately, it’s likely that if you find a good videographer, you’ll use them over and over again for listings. In that case, you want to make sure that you find the right style and personality fit for you.

Look At their Services

When you haven’t worked with a professional real estate videographer before, you may not know exactly what you’re looking for yet. You may think you want one service, but then decide last minute you’d like to add something extra in, like drone videography or even real estate photography. If the professional real estate videographer offers these services as well, this can be a total plus and offer you much more variety and flexibility.

Don’t “Sample”

It’s easy to think that if this or the next real estate videographer isn’t the right fit, then you simply try a second, third, or fourth one. However, for the sake of consistency and branding, that’s not the best idea. It’s one thing if your videographer decides to focus on a different kind of videography or retires altogether, but it’s another to hop around from one to another. Prospects and potential buyers like predictability and that extends to the style of pictures and videos. If a prospect can see a listing, recognize your style of video and immediately know it’s your listing – that’s a win!

Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, your focus as a realtor or real estate agent is to highlight your property and make it shine, while attracting the right buyers. It’s so much easier to do that when you’re working with someone who knows how to do that through stunning visuals.

At Curated Visuals, we strive to be that one-stop-shop where you can get a variety of services to make your property stand out from all the others. We know how important it is for that family to find the right home for them and their children, or how excited that first home buyer will feel when they finally stumble across the listing that catches their eye and says “This is it!” We can’t wait to help you and are always available to answer any questions via e-mail or phone.

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